Lil' Missy...

Daisypath Happy Birthday tickers

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Durian, we love it!

Durian, the king of fruits! It's one of the best creation. Nothing can ever beat the creamy flesh that melts in your mouth, pungent bitter-sweet taste... yummy-licious!! And my girl loves it! Wheee, it makes us a happy family. *blink*blink*

We both loves durian. I have no issue settling durian for lunch, dinner and snacks time although it's known to be heaty. And I had some during pregnancy too. I have bad appetite during my first 4.5mths, and I couldn't resist the tempation of durian though some say that it causes skin problem to the baby. I have no idea if that could be the reason my darling has sensitive skin. Or maybe it's in the genes.. I have slight sensitive skin too *grin*

Today, my hubby let her taste the durian. Of course we dare not give her the flesh. She's only 8.5mo and starting to have slight texture to her solids. What if she chokes on it? Hehehe, or maybe I am paranoid. But let's not take the risk. Oooh, back to my darling. It's not the first time she tried it but today, she has more than the first. We thought maybe she would reject it just like how she rejected apple! But no. She wanted more! She was clinging on my hubby like a hungry dog waiting at the table for crumbs. Ok, maybe not a nice way to describe my darling with a dog. Her expression was so adorable.. It's harder to take picture of her now since she can't be still for a minute. New found freedom with her improved crawling skills.

Well, it will be nice to fight over durian when she's older. At the moment, she just have to bear with my amateur cooking skills.

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