Lil' Missy...

Daisypath Happy Birthday tickers

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Please stay away from my baby!

It's flattering when you want to hug my baby. It's even more flattering when you say she is so adorable and wanting to give her a smooch. But wait! You are all dolled up! My baby still sucks her thumbs, licks on almost every surface and floor even! She rubs her face al lthe time especially when she is sleepy.Your nicely painted face, pouting lips, manicured fingernails.... errrm, my baby does not need extra supplements from you, my friend or rather stranger.

How do you tell them off nicely that I do not want my baby to have extra chemicals laced onto her hands and face? My baby is only 8mo and I am just starting to loosen up with lesser need to sterilize bottles on a regular basis. If they are my friends, I can just tell them straight to the face and they know that I still love them. But to a well meaning stranger? They may think I am cocky. I am fine with that, but I need to 'jaga' the feelings of those close to me....

Oh I forgot there's other cases too. When your children who loves baby is sick and flu-ish, please, please refrain them from coming near to my baby or any baby if at all. Sigh... Am I too paranoid?

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Durian, we love it!

Durian, the king of fruits! It's one of the best creation. Nothing can ever beat the creamy flesh that melts in your mouth, pungent bitter-sweet taste... yummy-licious!! And my girl loves it! Wheee, it makes us a happy family. *blink*blink*

We both loves durian. I have no issue settling durian for lunch, dinner and snacks time although it's known to be heaty. And I had some during pregnancy too. I have bad appetite during my first 4.5mths, and I couldn't resist the tempation of durian though some say that it causes skin problem to the baby. I have no idea if that could be the reason my darling has sensitive skin. Or maybe it's in the genes.. I have slight sensitive skin too *grin*

Today, my hubby let her taste the durian. Of course we dare not give her the flesh. She's only 8.5mo and starting to have slight texture to her solids. What if she chokes on it? Hehehe, or maybe I am paranoid. But let's not take the risk. Oooh, back to my darling. It's not the first time she tried it but today, she has more than the first. We thought maybe she would reject it just like how she rejected apple! But no. She wanted more! She was clinging on my hubby like a hungry dog waiting at the table for crumbs. Ok, maybe not a nice way to describe my darling with a dog. Her expression was so adorable.. It's harder to take picture of her now since she can't be still for a minute. New found freedom with her improved crawling skills.

Well, it will be nice to fight over durian when she's older. At the moment, she just have to bear with my amateur cooking skills.

Friday, May 20, 2011

Surviving Breastfeeding!

No one share much about breastfeeding during my pregnancy. Most of the times, it was always about eating healthily, the progress of my term etc. No one, no one has actually told me the new challenge that awaits me after delivery. It is not just about sleepless nights in meeting the demands of a newborn as a new mommy. It is the challenge to have enough supply for my baby!

I went online during my confinement just to check on websites about breastfeeding, talk to lots and lots of friends who have been successful in breastfeed. I still remember the miserable 10ml after each express in the first few weeks. I took comfort that my body is now producing for local demands, so don't expect mass production for export market. Some economic terms used in my pre-natal class. But it did not help further when my baby was introduced to formula, some more a special one for pre-mature baby as my darling was born slightly underweight. So, the stress was always there to feed her formula... Then, on 2nd week I decided to just let her latch on directly to boost the supply. It was not an easy decision either. Thankfully, I have supportive mom (though she has no experience in breastfeeding, not a choice for her time though) and my hubby...

And my darling is now 8 mo. My dilemma is whether I should stop or not. Before pregnant, I wanted to breastfeed for a year. And when I delivered, I thought 9 months should be good, then 6 months when I find breastfeeding is not as easy as it seems and then to 3 months to as long as I have the supply. My supply from 10ml from each time to 4 oz lasted through till now. Should I stop? Or should I continue? I have slowed down a lot and she's now on 50-50 formula and bm. Sigh, human (or maybe just me) is so weird right? Worry no matter which situation we are at. LOL!

Some good reads on breastfeeding: (author has her own blog too and it's interesting to learn from her ways of upbringing and juggling as a wife, doting mother and gorgeous woman.. and she has just recently became a working mom too!)

The Womanly Art of Breastfeeding (La Leche League International Book)

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Wheee... She's teething!

After months of anticipation, we can finally feel the 2 front bottom teeth on her gum! Her gums has been swollen for so long and I didn't know that it can be so long for it to finally show up. And just today, I can see her first white cap. Happy =)

Ooh...decision, decisions. Do I change her solids to more texture? Our cheeky darling is very good at rejecting food. If we push it to her a lil' bit more, she will cough as if throw up. And her hands coordination is good too. She will push away the spoon or bottle. Stress when she is underweight. She is one baby who won't cry for milk! There were times that when we are out, she will skip at least one feed. Both of us, my hubby and I love food. Looks like she hasn't take it from us yet.

Breastfeeding. I wanted to wean her when she hits 6mo. Somehow, I managed to continue thus far. Supply has dropped definitely and I am lazy to push for it either. A lot of my friends advise me to continue as mama-lac is the best. True but, but..It's not easy when we have work that is quite demanding. Taking time off to express in the past has been by God's grace and favour.. Well, we shall see. Since pd has advised us to give her unhealthy diet (to adults), maybe we just.. .. Sigh. Don't know what to say. Maybe, I am a lazy mom afterall.

I love the teethers below and one of it is used by my darling. using the ads to add colours to my post =)s

Vulli Sophie the Giraffe TeetherMunchkin Fun Ice Chewy Teether, Colors and Design May VaryMunchkin Fun Ice Soothing Ring Teether, Colors May Vary

Happy Mothers' Day

Another first's for us. MY first mothers' day where I am very much part of it. But then, when your child is sick, all you want is for your child to be healthy.

It's nice to be appreciated by my other half, and it would be even better if everyone is healthy to celebrate. And it's on these few days, we just monitor her temperature closely and glad that she is pink in health after all. That would be the best gift for any moms. Don't you think? Taking a deep breathe of relief

Safety 1st Prograde No Touch Thermometer

Friday, May 6, 2011

"I am not too happy"

Those were the words said by the paed when we see him this morning. We are asked to see him again when darling hits 9mo when others only need to see him for jab when they are 1 year old. For a note, darling was underweight, 200gm less than the acceptable weight of 2.5kg. Nonetheless, paed wants to see us to check on her growth. We brought forth the appointment when darling has fever. Is 38.4 consider high? She sure stressed both of us out since she has not really been so sick since birth. Thinking it was the weather, but it's rare for her to fall asleep without much fuss in the car... something is not right. We have never feel her so warm before. We rushed to the clinic of course. To cut the story short, we took EL (it's definitely not how a long weekend should be) and see the paed the next day.

But when he saw the measurement, he said those words! Darn.. when you hope to hear some comforting words for the 38.4 high temperature, you get another bad news. Well, looks like we got to boost her diet with butter, cheese, yoghurt and anything with high protein.

Note: Her temperature has gone down after we managed to feed the medicine to her, by mixing with milk. We have tried other means we can think of and she even cries without opening her mouth! Well, at last we found a way. It's painful to see her having fever but more painful when she threw up all (ALL!), whatever that is left in her small tummy when we fed her medicine.Can't wait for her to be fully well so that I can try new recipes for her. Gambate Darling!

Labour Day and I am WORKING!

ingBut then, it's the same to all MOMs out there, hehe. I guess it's a different way of celebrating any available public holidays doting our little ones. I am glad that the much awaited long weekends were finally here. Stayed at home, spending time with my darling.. unlike my past with long list of activities :P Can't wait for another holidays long weekends.

Ooh, why do I say that I am working? I am her cook (preparing her solids), her cleaner (cleaning after her poo poo and wee wee), her entertainer, her play mate, her slave. And I am a willing slave.. I am thankful for every moments we have with each other. Can't imagine the day when she will walk down the aisle in the arms of her father to the arms of... ... Nah, don't want to think too far.